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Tuesday 4:00 pm 5:00 pm

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The Only Pill you will need to swallow is your evening host RILEYTHEREDPILL’s conversa>ons on
topics most do not want to discuss. Riley is the host and execu>ve producer of the na>onal talk
show “Rileytheredpill”. Entertaining, empowering, and enlightening are just a few words that
describe the powerhouse media mogul. This talented and life driven personality desires to share
the shine on many. Although her focus is to stop the degrada>on, frustra>on, brutality, and
disrespect of our black men, she expounds on the support, encouragement and strengthening
we as a culture need to be for our community. She is a philanthropist, community ac>vist,
mentor, and volunteer. Riley strives to con>nue being a media personality, strong working
woman and entrepreneur.
Riley, Washington DC born and raised, now residing in Atlanta Georgia, is rooted, and musically
engaged. From youth, her family ins>lled the entertainment mindset, with her following the
footsteps of her mother and Aunt, from singing in the youth choir to becoming a member of the
Four female Gospel group Sweet Spirit, to whom had the pleasure of singing at the illustrious
Stellar Awards, Midnight Segment in 2005. This was the pivotal point for Riley, to pursue her
passion and purpose of being one voice for many. From Speaking/Hos>ng various events to
Volunteering within the community, she will wear the hat needed to get the job done. However,
it was becoming the Host for WBGR Radio Network in Lanham MD, to where her passion for
being in radio began, and in 2017 Riley along with a Co-Host Launched Girls Gabbin Podcast.
From mo>va>on to enjoyment, “Rileytheredpill” is a weekly pla[orm for listeners to bend in ear
and hear people who are impac>ng our world through meaningful, engaging, and entertaining
conversa>ons. You can also follow Riley on Tubi and Amazon Prime, as an actress, she can be
seen in several movies to include Behind the Veil, Bad Girl Virtuous Woman, BG for Tyler Perrys
epic Movie Six 888 and more to come.
Riley is passionate about many causes, including incarcera>on, domes>c violence,
homelessness, and literacy, and she’s dedicated her >me to many deserving organiza>ons over
the years. She is the Founder and CEO of Rebirth to Reentry (RTR), which seeks to rebuild selfdevelopment and self-esteem, by emphasizing on all aspects of helping people help themselves.
Based on sta>s>cs of incarcera>on there is an extreme need for redevelopment of life skills,
reunifica>on with family and assistance in returning to society. This organiza>on creates an inlet
with a curriculum to educate by providing mentoring programs, educa>on, life skills and
community outreach. RTR is crea>ng a means to give all people the ability to expound on their
dreams, aspira>ons and goals.
She is a mom of 2 and grandmother of 5, who is proving you can accomplish anything once you
put your mind to it and age is nothing but a number!! Riley stands on her mobo “We are the
stars that make the stars” and you can do whatever you are called to do! Riley has taken to “onair” life like a fish to water birthing her own show which although is unpredictable, she strives to
be the unstoppable voice to radio. Tune in and swallow the informa>on that Rileytheredpill is
pudng out, she is sure to prevent you from going down the rabbit hole!

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